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tv   Countdown to the Closing Bell  FOX Business  March 29, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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♪ liz: even with the market's close on this good friday, a fox business is live with late-breaking from park avenue to the slammer, anything but a good friday for a big name in the hedge fund world. the fbi arrests one of steve cohen stock managers, calling him a member of an elite criminal club. the very latest developments. on this could friday, should you put your faith in the epiphany fund? the fundamentals of faith and family gathered portfolio. and u.s. markets blasting through records, but emerging markets fell way behind this quarter. are they now worth a second look
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for the second quarter? countdown starts right now. ♪ liz: and we have the latest developments in the michael steinberg arrest in just minutes. good afternoon, everybody. i'm liz claman. thank you so much for joining us. we are here, live, making money for you no matter what is happening elsewhere and other businesses. the u.s. markets are closed on but the data has been pouring in of a long. u.s. consumer sentiment, that is up in the months -- month of march as the final reading plucked the preliminary number. consumer confidence jumped sharply in the second half of the month, erasing the decline that we have seen in the first half of month -- march. that is good. your confidence is registering. consumer spending is up for the month of february. january numbers were upwardly revised as well. to get pieces of data that are very important for you and your money in the reason you are all feeling so good and spending
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more money, the paychecks are bigger after tumbling in january. personal income has headed back up by more than a percent in the month of february. all that should perhaps democracy did not know what will happen over the holiday weekend, but should help the market start of the second quarter with a bang. the s&p 500 closed up the first quarter with quite a bang. a record high, up more than 10% for the year so far. talk about the start. yesterday was the big day we finally hit the all-time high for the s&p 500. the fbi sec capital story cannot replacing one wall street rolex with a pair of handcuffs this morning check out this "wall street journal" exclusive video early this morning. capitol michael steinberg was charged with conspiracy to commit securities fraud along with four counts of securities fraud. if they came into his park avenue building. the fed's walked in. they pulled them out. must have been ready because
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tracy burns pointed out, quite a big story on a friday where perhaps some other business networks did not think it was important enough to break in. we do. wall street journal joining us now to talk more about the story. the colleague pulled. this is a great gift for her, but certainly the story is still a bit cloudy. less talk about michael steinberg and his relation to one of the biggest of the big hedge fund titans. >> he works for steve cohen, the billionaire founder of sac capital, one of the most successful and preeminent and funds on wall street for 16 years, since 1997. many people have come and go from that hedge fund, but michael steinberg has been an immense stake. he has advised ellen and work closely with him and managed to survive. the most senior person at that hedge funds to become embroiled in this investigation. liz: let's talk about what they say he did. there are two stocks and you may own some of them. india and del. if you listen to the fed cited this, they say he had a great
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line of well-placed sources that made it very unfair for the rest of us to own the stocks. and in essence he was getting inside information, correct? >> that is what is alleged. obviously he is contesting that, but he had an analyst working for him to flipped. flip consider working with the prosecutors and they say he was a member of revivalists a different hedge funds were essentially pooling inside information and passing it up to their bosses. steinberg was one of the bosses, and they're saying that he was given illegal information. now he is set to testify against his forrer boss. liz: the whole point for those of you don't understand how some of this works is that the fed tries to get the little guys, although he is the biggest so far in this insnare meant or attempted in cement of all of this to get to the big fish and that would be steve cohen. can they really make a connection between that and steve cohen? >> it is unclear. in this case. certainly there would like to
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flip. and then in this particular set of facts, they may not have anything, but there would be holding -- hoping that he would tell them about other stuff. liz: what do we know about them? he is 40 years old. by the way, for those of you who don't know park avenue, the 800 block of park avenue. 745740 is the famous building. to be 40 years old and to live in any park avenue building between 61st and 90, you have to be making a lot of money here . you have kids. often when they have a family they might start coughing up information about the guys above them. >> he is married with two children. fairly young children. he is pretty well regarded. we talked to friends of his former traders the worked for him. they said he is kind of a low-key guy, stays out of the limelight, not kind of the brash person likes of the others that have come and go which has been what has allowed him to survive there. liz: he has pled not guilty in all of this, but let's go back to steve cohen for a moment. there was believe that there would be a lot of $602 million
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settlement with the sec to make all of this go away. is that now? >> a judge yesterday said he needs more time to think about weather proving that cannot prevent settlement because sac did not admit or deny wrongdoing . the judge is saying 55 some judges have said there not sure whether they should be able to settle in not admit any wrongdoing by paying a big fine. that would not have made the criminal stucco weight. still an investigation of him relating to that larger case, which is a whole separate one than the one steinberg is involved in. liz: again, strasbourg of the "wall street journal" getting the tips and coming through. she sure was. thank you very much. our brethren at the "wall street journal" breaking the story, and we are following a moment by moment because these kinds of cases affect the average trader. thank you. could your investments used some divine intervention or does your portfolio need some kind of epiphany on this could friday?
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my next guest says putting faith and family first is a fundamental for your portfolio. trinity fiduciary partners joining me next to explain how he picked the stocks based on faith and family. ♪
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♪ liz: breaking news right now. this is just moving it. in the days following the crisis in cyprus, newly minted treasury secretary obviously looking at the situation and saying a need to go to europe. the news is breaking right now, jet blue will go to europe on april 8 to me with a european central bank president and the finance ministers of germany and france. the money men and women will discuss economic developments in europe and policies to boost global growth and promote financial stability. he will start in brussels and then go to frankfurt. he is supposedly then going to berlin and finishing out in paris. of course, these schedules too often change. once again, for his second out of town trip come out of the country, jack lew, the treasury secretary, going to europe. 20,131st quarter in the bucks. cheryl is right here live to
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wrap up the biggest winners and losers on the s&p. these names are interesting. cheryl: hey there, stranger. a wanted to show you a couple of things. first, the s&p 500 took a few sessions to break the all-time high. you know it on the show very well. we ended the trading session last night, 1569. obviously a big story, but you're some of the big names and actually moved. as you looked at the s&p overall. and really, the big story everyone, netflix. the stock might have closed down last night, but in 104% in the first three months of 2013. one of the big surprises, frankly. stick a look at best buy. i don't know why liz is not joining me to come over and drop on things because -- i don't know what you're doing over there. look at this. my favorite thing to do is to draw on the one touch. there you go. there is that chart. best buy. a big gainer. hewlett-packard. the big movers on the dow. hewlett-packard up 67%.
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h&r block, another big surprise. of 60 -- 58%. micron tech up. no, news was not all good. let's go through some of the names or big drags on the s&p. the worst performers. natural resources. how the charts change. they go from the opposite direction. this is what we have. natural resources gaining $0.55 last night. this one lost 51%. 51 percent in the first two months of 2013. j.c. peak. could it get more depressing? these poor guys. ron johnson, ceo, mrs. loesser -- missive after misses. liz: okay. bring in the pan. cheryl: this is the story. unbelievable. cheryl: it is really, frankly sad. who else can do that but you. anyway.
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peabody energy down 21%. there is your year to date chart. carmen down 19%. you know, one of those stories. there is peabody. carmen is one of the stories, very popular five or six years ago and now it's not. finally, united states steel. this one down 18%. so watch a lot of these stories. analysts come on your show all the time and say come and pick stocks, get in there. the second quarter will be interesting to see if it will be truly a stock picker's market because as you can see, you might have been okay in the first quarter of 2013, but some of these names are not update. liz: everyone keeps hoping for j.c. penney. and glad you made that point. cheryl: thank you for playing. liz: cheryl and i in our easter pink having fun with the data wizard. thank you. can a higher power on this easter weekend, perhaps, bring you higher returns? the epiphany find has this unique investment strategy that we wanted to show you. it is saying social returns plus
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investment returns equal pro return. we bring in san solid been no. joining us now. welcome. thank you for being here. let's get to hell a stock makes it into your fund. what is our metric when it comes to, as you say, faith and family? >> we always start with the faith and family values. and so the total universal screen and a screen for exclusion, but then we add it -- where it really takes life is the point total. one hundred would be a stock that is very additive. zero would be one that is not. and then those points are combined with traditional qualitative and quantitative measures to come up with a set of securities to purchase. liz: okay. number one is human rights and economic justice, at least on our chart. when we look at some of your most widely held names, which one comes to mind that fits into that particular list that you
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really say has to be there when you're picking a stock? >> well, for social justice and human rights, for me, the most important thing is that ceo compensation verses employee compensation. so at the end of the day the sea as making more than the employees? and even more than that, the ceo compensation is somehow tied to performance? so in many cases you see ceo compensation just go through the roof, but at the same time stock performance has not. so we're always looking at companies. we are looking at their compensation packages, especially in proxy voting and try to discuss with companies to make sure that, hey, are they making a good salary? it's a good thing if the company is growing. liz: you must take american airlines. the story that we have been following closely, you are looking at, say, for example, what we have on our screen, some of the banker compensations. the exit package for tom horton
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was going to be something like $20 million just as the pilots who left keep us all safe were asking to take hits to their salaries. so that would never go in your portfolio, right? >> never been in our portfolio. we measure of compensation of the ceo verses the employee. and it has saved us in a lot of cases. our fund has beat the s&p 500 for the last five years and the last year as well. i think a big part of that is the corporate governance, ceo compensation, does the company have a retirement plan? is the retirement plan favorable? liz: i want ask, can you give us an example of and in the you have recently added the really like that brings in everything where it is the environment and all the issues that matter to you guys? >> well, one of our top holdings right now is international paper . international paper has a great compensation package. they have a good situation in
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terms of their evaluation. they have good employee benefits and a good employee record and a good environmental record. when you put all those things together you get a company for the long haul. it is one of those things that we can hold for a long term. liz: i always look at funds like this. does it really work? it has in your case. in fact, year today your up. thank you. and for those of you are interested, we will put it on the page to but it is the epiphany find it. it is epvnx. when we come back, charlie gasparino coming down with more on this arrest this morning from park avenue to the clank. one of the sec capital employees arrested early this morning. there is the video. he has been working the phones of the story.
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there is more to come. stay tuned. he is coming right down right now. ♪ look, if you have copd like me, you know it can be hard to breathe, and how that feels. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open for 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms.
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liz: we have more because charlie gasparino just came down here to talk about this early-morning arrest. boy, they are getting closer and closer said sac capital. here is the video, by the way, of him being yanked out of his park avenue -- >> reporter: i have seen more compelling videos. liz: excuse me. they have it. that is all they care about. we have it, the video of them being pulled up by the fbi. >> reporter: it looks like as getting out of the nightclub was at last night and stumbling into the taxi. here's the interesting thing. because i am writing a book on
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insider trading. you know, you look at always when you write a book like this, it's kind of a jigsaw puzzle. comes together at the and were you realize just how long they have been going after steve cohen and trying to pursue him through other people going around him. it's classic. the same way they go after the mob chieftains. they go after the underlings in and try to flip those people to get the guy at the top. they got. it is interesting. everyone thought matthew would be the guy to flip. then they turn around and that is the guy who shared allegedly, the government believes this. they believe that he actually shared the inside information during a 20-minute phone call right before -- it's fascinating because they work long those two drug stocks $700 million.
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and that is an amazing thing. you don't do that unless you know something. liz: that everyone else doesn't know. >> reporter: reversing a seven under million dollar position. everyone thought getting matthew to flip would be the wedding gift : and in a turnaround in the steinberg. is interesting. liz: different stocks. tell and invidia. >> reporter: have been doing there research. everyone saw this coming. i've been telling my sources at the justice department and the sec, radio silence. now i know why. they're ready to bring in men. they built the case. liz: tell them to tell you so you can get a better photographer. >> reporter: i was still out at that point in the morning. liz: where? why aren't i ever invited to these? >> reporter: you ever got to love a? i went to love a. liz: i'm not cool. >> reporter: then i went to smoke a cigar which i should not have done. in any event, they start from the bottom. even when they go to someone like steinberg, the start at the
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bottom and turn smaller players, smaller traders. the move up to a guy who was a portfolio manager at s -- sac capital. he became michael operator, and he is the guy that gave them. liz: and they have e-mails. they have an e-mail repasses it on and says, could you keep on the download. that is the term they actually used. some of the keys as keep it on the down low because my guy that i know says it's sensitive. >> reporter: and steinberg, the question is committed the capacity of that on. different cases, different fbi agents involved, but it is all coming to a head where it is so obviously clear that they want cohen. the question is. liz: by the way, this is the court artistry from this morning after he was arrested. >> reporter: during this, a lot of prosecutors think he is more like a white whale. listen. they get all these guys around
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him. liz: whale, like beluga? >> reporter: like moby dick. they have is the government. liz: i see. going with that -- the harpoon. >> reporter: let's say he did everything they said he did, they believe he did, they may be wasting this much money on it. i've read, think about this. this is not bernie madoff. it is not a rip-off of the average american. this is a guy getting a tip, maybe, about invidia end dell stock in making some money on it. i'm just saying, writing a whole book on this and i believe they're going after insider trading because they could not go after people during a financial crisis. that is one of the themes. they did not get anything. this was like low hanging fruit. at the general public should ask themselves. this is not a popular thing. is this worth it? are we wasting way too much time on whether he traded early on the stock? by the way, in order to do some of these.
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liz: they would argue that if there are a lot of other hedge fund options doing this this man says the biggest. liz: i agree, but what is the big deal? liz: that is your opinion. you have been clear about it. what is your book titled? >> reporter: circle of friends. liz: is there a song or movie about the title? >> reporter: i don't know. a romantic comedy. liz: tweet me and let me know what it is. follow me. we have a new twitter follower. >> reporter: romantic comedy. liz: a new twitter follower. a romantic. liz: i hear you have a new follower. >> reporter: right after my hit on how he is not going to be at blackstone. he's not going to be is ceo. it will blow them out. he followed me. liz: we are hoping he likes power page because, oh, i am catching up. i added another 100. that is kind of a pathetic thing. listen, the gap is tightening
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here. >> reporter: a thing that is one way to look at it if you have a needle sticking out of your arm. liz: michael dell should follow me and the facebook page because as we follow this battle, raise your hand it. >> reporter: the you know him? liz: i've seen him. of course he does not -- the charges passed a lot of people. the smart, smart guy. >> reporter: good looking guy? liz: yeah, you know. not my type. listen. you said where is it. >> reporter: they keep going. liz: raise your hand if you still on adelle pc. where is it? on your desk or in the closet of a garage? guess what? yesterday hundreds of people jump on the facebook page to tell us where they keep their belts. we got so many responses. here's what some of you said. sally clarke says, had one i used for ten years. loved it. in the garage now. rodney pruitt, very dedicated. to desktops that have never had
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a problem. to laptops have never a problem. he did not have the fire think. i will stick with tell. this is michael dell. follow me. kent williams says once you go maquis never go back. i disagree with that. >> reporter: that guy is with -- week. liz: you know apple geeks. using it as his boat anchor. come on. monday i am going to show you what i am doing. >> reporter: what does that i have, raft? i didn't know that there were upscale. liz: we have a guest to know. >> reporter: at that our viewers were like -- liz: this week -- coat cook your easter geese. this week marks the tenth anniversary of the world's first physical gold etf. the metal may have more to celebrate because it has been a tough year. >> reporter: i knew that. liz: charlie, one gold bowl is
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our next guest. it is his turn now, charlie. he is making a big call on the platter economy. the man with the midas touch says there is another medal with a big price catalyst coming straight ahead. he is the modest fund portfolio manager. getting the puck to charlie here just to give you your chance. my goodness. thank you for being patient there. all right. it is the 10-year anniversary of the first physical gold etf. interesting to look at the history. back then there were just about 900 ounces in that first one. today 80 million ounces in many, many different gold ets. what is it becomes a popular? >> well, i think it is the first wave that investors could on gold and retirement accounts. the retirement, prohibited from
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owning commodities and similar type of assets in retirement accounts. with the advent of an exchange lifted -- listed etf owning gold you can put it in a retirement account and gold as a lot of great attributes for retirement planning. liz: let's turn away from gold for a moment because it is down $80 of the quarter, a belief. it is really suffering a little bit per ounce. let's get to the metal the you say as a catalyst ahead of it. what is it and what is the catalyst? >> well, of all the metals, gold, silver, platinum, palladium, but the miss the one that stands out. at midas, we are very interested in the events taking place in the country where most of the world's platinum comes from, which is south africa. south africa currently, we are seeing power failures on the rise in. we are seeing strikes. sometimes violently settled. we are seeing and a breakdown in infrastructure. the existing problem lines have been around for years. very expensive to operate. very deep.
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there will be a lot of, we believe, critical shortages and plot of going for, particularly if the economy comes around in there are more truck sales. tracks of the biggest consumers apply them because they're used in catalytic converters to remove sulfur from the missions. liz: we were hearing about that from the epa. removing more sulfur from emissions these days. that is a big catalyst. two picks. as we look at the catalytic converter in of that plant and is used for that, while silver? what is the interest? why at all really? >> well, that is a good question. in the case of platinum, let's stick with the metal. there are some great etf that i would recommend. investors are looking in the commodity space, looking at a precious metal. go to plan and perry did not go with the south african miners. they face a host of political difficulties including ex -- expropriation of assets. go with the metal. with gold, i would say can ross would be the number one pick at midas. by this fund has the number one
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holding currently. some amazing attributes. very long life mines. the market cap is only 9 billion. huge resources to a huge reserves. it is currently selling on the market at eight times this year's earnings, six times next year. cash flow multiples only five times this year, four times next year. of 1% dividend means they are about one-third the multiples of about five years ago. liz: it is great to have you today. the key for being here. we are watching gold. his outlook is $1,900 per troy ounce by the end of 2013. see you next time, tom. >> okay thanks. liz: of course, of the midas fund. thank you. one market is definitely open today, and that is the currency's market. the u.s. dollar remaining steady as she goes. the year-on-year in november lows. our next guest is banking on the all dollar trade, but not just u.s. insert country year, as long as there is a dollar after it, the
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best ways to make money from money. that's next. ♪
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ncr: and many of the tornado's victims are... without homes tonight. girl: first, i saw it on cable. then i read about it online. i found out how to help. i downloaded the info. i spoke up... and to my friends... and they told their friends... and together, we made a difference. anncr: and tornado relief has been pouring in from... across the country. girl: we might be hundreds of miles apar.. but because we're connected, it's like we're all neighbors.
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liz: and this breaking news today that you will only get here. the environmental protection agency is proposing new standards for cleaner gasoline in cars, cleaner emissions. new measures could end up costing at the pump. always this question. peter barnes in d.c. looking at the details of this month. >> reporter: that's right. the epa says that this proposal will clean up gasoline and car emissions, leading to better air and health, but also higher gas prices. according to the agency less than a penny per gallon, but according to an oil industry study, six to $0.9 per gallon.
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the epa will be holding public hearings on this post-election proposal which would kick in in 2017. an administration official says that the 111 refineries in the u.s., the standards will require major investments at 16 of them, 66 will require some modifications, and 28 already me to propose standards. one industry source says that all of a major refining companies would be affected here. exxon mobile, bp, chevron. but house republicans are upset with this proposal, they say it is bad for the economy. the timing is not good. gas prices still high. they are planning to review it. back to you. liz: thank you very much. anytime there is a change, listen, a lot of people have questions. sometimes the other industry says, just let us know what we need to do when we will. keep the landscape clear. while the stock market is enjoying a day off, currencies are still alive and kicking in trading.
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what is the best trade for you? a lot of people looking at this $3 trillion largely unregulated market. one market expert says go for dollar everything. insert country. as long as the word dollars after it. as in u.s., aussie, new zealand, i end of chief strategist joining me now to share some fundamentals on the best currency plays right now. how did this all come to you? there is the obvious dollar, u.s. dollar, canadian dollar. you like all of those right now? >> yes, but against the yen right now is the key for us because in reality that is a weak currency. we could see all of those dollars, the canadian companies zealand, and the u.s. dollar improving against the japanese yen. liz: so would you then do one of those pair trades, long canadian, u.s., new zealand, but short comparatively against the yen. >> yes. that is not how most people look
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at the markets. we elected all of the markets and technical basis and see a strong, strong trend. we may see a little bit of a pullback, but generally speaking, we can see this market going higher. all of the emphasis has been on the euro. what really surprised me. just at the news today when i arrived at the studio, and you broke it. jack lew going to europe. that is a huge red flag to me. liz: the euro. you say that it will continue, and in your words, to evaporate. the same with the yen. you want to go with what the market is doing. obvious, obvious. what is less obvious? was released favors currency right now? >> least favorite would have to be probably the end of the euro. i learned all of this technical trading on the floor of the exchanges in chicago. as a toddler to trade. use technical analysis much like we used in the voice of the exchanges, and those trends are pretty well set, particularly with the end. which is it going to work. liz: the british pound.
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i guess we're all pretty obvious. what about the pound? >> are talking about my own home country. embraced by birth. i just became a u.s. citizen. and actually, i am afraid to say that the british pound does not look good. actually, we see it going down to probably the 140 level from where we are, so it does not look good technically and that has been just an evaporation in gains. liz: okay. you like the canadian dollar in the u.s. you are also, i find this interesting, a currency expert you also picks stocks. we will put them up right now. as we go through them, osha hearing international, united parcel service and paychecks. is there a common theme that has to do with any currency play here? >> these are all u.s. stocks, obviously. there really is not a common play in terms of currency. we look for is markets that are strong technically gift. if you looked at those talks we picked, the one thing if you look at a shearing, for example, crude oil is going higher and
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will continue. what is interesting, they are an offshore oil company. they have the platforms that they drill for oil from, and we see that as a huge bust because if you look, all the oil is offshore. most of the oil, the biggest oilfields were offshore in venezuela. we think that will be a big, big play for that particular stock. the other stock that we like is yahoo. that is a great market. morrison has gone in there. she has a vision. she knows a lot of people from silicon valley. she will push the stock up and it will go higher. absolutely. liz: what i want to do is put up every single currency trade that you like. as i say, these trades along with your stock names. facebook -- it great to have you. it is a pleasure. congratulations on becoming a u.s. citizen. >> i appreciate that. thank you. liz: you're welcome. i no chief strategist. what is one asset class that had an awful first quarter?
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emerging-market star in the red during one of the best first quarters. equities here in the united states. are emerging markets worth taking a second look? wells fargo the emerging market experts up next in a fox business exclusive. stay tuned. ♪ i'm a conservative investor. but that doesn't mean i don't want to make money. i love making money. i try to be smart with my investments. i also try to keep my costs down. what's your plan? ishares. low cost and tax efficient. find out why nine out of ten large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal.
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liz: so what we made such a big deal yesterday that the s&p 500 finally hit an all-time record a week in a half about after the dow did. emerging markets just cannot get there. they wrapped up their worst quarter since 2008. the emerging market index has tumbled more than 2% so far this
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year while our markets have been jumping double-digit percentages. so is it time to get out? time to get in? joining me now, derek irwin, wells fargo advantage emerging-market fund manager. he has a completely different view that he looks through a different prism here. i would say that we started to see big inflows in january back into emerging funds. i thought they are either late or early. which is it? >> at the january, as you said, a couple of things happening. and through the first quarter. if elected 2012, what happened was, the market in the emerging markets became very polarized. a few sectors that did really well. consumer staples, consumer products particularly became very expensive. a few sectors like metals and mining did very poorly. remember, a huge parts of the benchmark. emerging markets really being driven by quite a small piece of the benchmark. we have seen in 2012, very expensive consumer staples
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companies have begun to come down to reality from a valuation standpoint. the mining companies still are doing anything. the index as a whole slid through the quarter, but valuations on very high-quality stocks have got much, much better. liz: how you define an emerging market? because there are different opinions on this. >> we are benchmark against the emerging markets index, but you're right. there are very different opinions. where does. fitch? what about taiwan? and our view is, we are looking for companies that get their competitive edge advantage from sitting in fast-growing, quickly developing markets. our view is career, for instance , fits that because the competitive a advantage comes from sitting in that economy. liz: okay. to your point about how 2012 was pretty good.
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yes. so your fund was up about 12% year-over-year. it is down just under 2% year-to-date. let's take a look to some of your biggest holdings. you mentioned taiwan semiconductor's. turn immobile. a south american company, samsung as well. these are names that are well known for anybody who has even started to dip into the so-called emerging markets. what about this term frontier markets? frontier markets, when i hear those names i think egypt, kazakhstan, argentina. and then a name like vietnam is very popular to talk about. do they fit into the so-called emerging market picture? >> they tend to be a bit of unleash for a classic emerging market investors. a very important one. for instance, i was in nigeria just at the end of last year looking at banks and some of the consumer product companies because we think there is incredible growth in africa, as trade with china continues to
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grow as that market begins to develop. there are great opportunities. vietnam is another example of long-term growth, but you have to remember that those are much less stable and much less developed financial markets and much less developed economies, so there correspondingly, a lot more risky. we only use them as a bit of spice in the portfolio. liz: happy holiday weekend. thank you. >> thank you. liz: wells fargo advantage emerging markets equity fund manager. we will put all of his information on the pages well. from billionaire investors to top ceos, this week we have the biggest investment names and business on "countdown to the closing bell." take a look. >> 787 problem is one that is probably a little bit more complicated than most development problems you will have with you aircraft, but we have always felt that time would, in fact, produce a
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solution. we have great confidence in this airplane. >> our argument has been from day number one this would be an extraordinarily exciting year to find stocks, and we are enthusiastic because when we look, annual posts are coming in droves. we find continue to find great ideas. financial engineering is alive and well. these are things that stimulate the appetite. >> they don't burn a lot of oil. i guess invest heavily, invest and light weight technology. make sure that at the end of the day we use the petrol in the very best way. >> because our sulphur is generally significantly cheaper than competing offerings, we are actually seeing some real strength. but i just had a meeting before this with the head of our u.s. federal business. we are actually seeing some solid strength. we actually feel like we have a strong year in government this year. >> moving into eventually into or three years, california, the
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california emissions standards come into play in 2017, we have to have an electric vehicle in california, so this is the first up in the electrification process for our brand. liz: we are going to do it all again for use starting monday. breaking news in the last hour. we're talking more about it coming a bit just a few seconds. stay stay we will be right back. don't move. ♪ but your erectile dysfunction - you know,that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. yocan be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needingo go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours.
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liz: open for business and getting all the live data that came in today that mattered to your money. u.s. consumer sentiment is one of those pieces of data. it jumped in march. you're feeling more confident. check out three retailers with the worst customer service who might not participate in that move to that jump. according to the american consumer satisfaction index, how much do investors really seem to mind here? third place. grocer, safeway has faced problems with inaccurate pricing. that led to the state of california it sue the company twice. shareholders did not seem to
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mind as you see this year-to-date chart. shares up 45% this quarter. second worse, netflix. remember, yeah, they raised prices. made all kind of bad decisions. they are second worse. top scoring company from track buy e-commerce. price hikes led to sharp turn-around in customer's feelings. netflix is the best performer in the s&p 500. nobody cares about that. no the so many smiling faces. wal-mart takes the top spot for worst customer service. they have been every year since 2007 and 2012. investors don't care. shares up 9.6% so far this year. "after the bell" starts right now. liz: we help


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